Why is the
biobank important
When predicting an individuals possible diseases, family history is incredibly important. While you or a family member is alive, it is easy to collect a viable DNA sample for testing when needed. When a person dies, however, access to their DNA becomes more difficult and uncertain. When the DNA can not be recovered, their precious information will be lost, which can be especially troubling when searching for clues of disease in relatives.

Secure and private storage
Our stable storage method was originally designed for the industrial transport of DNA across oceans and large land distances, with varieties of altitudes and climates.
It will keep DNA completely stable even during large temperature and humidity changes. When kept in the stable environment of our secure sample vault, it can remain perfectly preserved for decades.

How it works
All memberships come with the DNA Biobank included at no extra forms or costs.

Send membership kit back to the lab.

Our lab takes a portion of your sample for analysis.

The remaining sample is privately stored by replacing your identity with a code.

Already using the DNA Biobank?
Upgrade to a membership at a discount!
Receive the entire cost of your DNA Biobank purchase as a discount to your membership upgrade.
No extra swab required.
The DNA Biobank can ensure the safety and privacy of a DNA sample for decades - safeguarding against losing this valuable information.
Let us help you with longevity